Sunday, June 9, 2013


With my first post ever since the creation of this bad boy, I thought I should introduce myself.

My name is Rachel (obviously) and am stationed in Paris, France for the next year or so before I hopefully find myself in grad school. I came to Paris from San Francisco, California, where I was dying of boredom in middle management at a massage clinic.

Two years later, I'm still here and barely parlez-ing le francais, equipped with a newly earned Bachelor's degree and dabbling in funemployment. (...will someone jsut give me a job already???)

I've dreamed of being a writer since I was old enough to use the English language, and love love love fiction. Though I've been known to dabble in journalism and creative non-fiction. I've also been known to dabble in wine.

Bottoms up! (Hope you don't need the entire bottle getting through this blog...)